Some of our favorite products to have on hand:
Kerrygold Butter – I like that it’s high quality and grass fed, which I feel is important when you consider how much Reese eats. It’s available at Costco – and you can bet we buy it in bulk!
- Garden of Life MCT oil – Great for keto, made from coconuts.
- Coconut Oil – Like MCT oil, coconut oil has MCTs which are excellent for keto.
Organic Valley Heavy Cream – I’ve heard this cream is reliable about having 0 carbs (some creams have less than 1 carb per tablespoon, but due to rounding the nutritional information can say 0 carbs or <1 carb, but when you consider how much cream keto kids eat, even a fraction of a carb can add up). Even more importantly, I think it tastes the best of the cream we’ve tried. In my area, I’ve found it at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Raleys.
Ultima Electrolyte Powder – The keto diet can be dehydrating and this carb-free/sugar-free/calorie-free drink mix has magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Reese likes the raspberry flavor and I’ve noticed she’s had less of an issue with dehydration since starting this (she used to be shaky some mornings).
- Hormel Pepperoni – I’m not the biggest fan of pepperonis because of how processed they are, but some foods I wouldn’t like otherwise have made their way into our lives while on the keto diet. Reese likes it and it travels well, so I appreciate the convenience. Of the pepperoni I’ve come across, Hormel has the best ratio at 2.8:1 (the minis have a ratio of 2.6:1).
Items when Reese was on the Modified Atkins Diet:
Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 ounce pouches – I’ve only seen these for sale at Smart & Final. For some reason, these pouches specifically have the best ratio (3.5:1) of cream cheese that I’ve found (better than cream cheese in the boxes, which are a better ratio than cream cheese in tubs).
- Cheese Packets – Some stores have individually packaged 1 ounce cheese packets that have 0 carbs. They were super convenient when we were doing MAD. (I still use them now, but we don’t use a full ounce of cheese in a meal, so the convenience of being pre-packaged is lost on us for the time being).
Coconut Oil Packets from Trader Joes – Wonderfully convenient to take coconut oil on the go! They’re 15ml pouches.
Check out all my favorite keto products on my Amazon Store. Full disclosure: if you buy these items using my links, I get a small percentage back, but it doesn’t change the price you pay at all!